Ode to Mac in Winter

Snowy morning

fingers numb
large hot coffee
on the run

Loose lid pops
liquid flows
keyboard fizzles
so it goes

Fortunately my many "to do" lists soaked up the main pool of coffee, which seems to have saved the cpu and disk.
There are advantages to a messy desk.

I think I will use this as a reason to reinvent myself, since I no longer know what "to do".
And I'm locked out of my desktop until I get a new keyboard.

Wouldn't ya know it.
Campus computer store is closed for a week for stock taking.
And for some ineffable reason Apple has not put an Apple Store in town...

Anyone have a spare I can borrow for 20 mins?


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Coffee and Beer were involved in the other two fatalities.

I've started using a rubberized keyboard skin at home, and drinking out of sippy-cups at work.

cause I couldn't login to turn anything else on without a working keyboard...

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second time that has happened - the previous occasion being the Case of the Missing Power Supply in Hawaii
both times, social networking was orders of magnitude faster and more effective than proceeding through official channels

interesting that

Perfect opportunity to try the keyboard in the dishwasher experiment.

You missed a great opportunity!

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