cosmology politics

Quintessence - Obama
Cosmological Constant - Clinton

We don't need no steenkin' dark energy - McCain



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We don't need no steenkin' dark energy - McCain

Unless we can weaponize it.

Obama & Clinton, well, we can argue over those. But it is increasingly clear that McCain represents not 'Dark Energy' but rather the 'Dark Side'...

Nah - quintessence is a "hope for change"!

You have to figure though that there is a reason DoE is so interested in Dark Energy...
But a naval aviator doesn't need crap like that.

Or Clinton is dark energy, Obama is dark matter, and McCain is a white dwarf.

Guess everyone is equally rudely insulted there. ;)

By Anonymous (not verified) on 26 Mar 2008 #permalink

Well, I don't think I would usually be a Republican voter, but since I'm not American I guess that doesn't matter. LOL, thanks! Downunder, McCain is a brand of frozen food.