string theology

I was discussing the "Landscape" in string theory, as it relates to modern cosmology in class, and the students first reaction was: "what is all the fuss about"?
It seemed a bit mystifying to them that the community was having such angst over the issue.

So... I was trying to explain the metaphysical and philosophical angles, and why it got people agitated, and made the natural, if potentially ill-advised, comparison with religion.

This was one of these issues, said I, which seem terribly important at the time to the participants, but, no doubt, will seem all very silly in the future, much as we now think that some issues people fought over hundreds of years ago now seem silly.
Like... ah, like what?

I was going to say "like the thirty years was", but maybe suggesting catholic/protestant schisms were silly might offend a some in the audience.
My brain went into overdrive, I ran through some of the obvious options very fast:
shia vs sunni? No!
trinity vs unitarianism? Better not go there...
manichaean dualism? Noooo....
gnosticism... Nah, remember the Albigensian crusade!
Arianism? Nestorianism?
This was not going to work.

And then I got it: Freyja or Frigg?
Which is the One True Goddess of Fertility and Love.

This is serious stuff, I felt like getting my axe and charging, with a roar!
Who, after all, could deny the beauty and divinity of Freyja?
Friggin' Friggian Heretics!

But, the students understood.
And I explained about the Landscape and the concept of realization of all possible physics vs the possibility of the one true theory, and then we discussed anthropism a little bit.
While I showed pictures of E8.

PS: Of course everyone knows that cats are sacred to Freyja?

From Le Maison Forte - Freyja: the goddess with the gib cats


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Now if only you could tie string theory to the dynamics of cats, you'd have it made, right?!

10^1000 solutions with no testable predictions are not immune to empirical falsification! Perturbative string theory requires BRST invariance to unify the effects of a massive body (gravitation) and an accelerated coordinate frame (inertia). Find two lumps that vacuum free fall differently and string theory is dead.

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