Earthquake in South West Iceland

Sizable earthquake in southwest Iceland this afternoon

Magnitude 6.1-6.3 on Richter scale, by Selfoss, about 50 km from Reykjavik,
no damage reported in Reykjavik, road to Selfoss is cut, probably some damge in the general area. No reports of injuries, though it is early to tell for sure.

Earthquake was felt throughout western Iceland, and buildings in Reykjavik were evacuated. Continuing aftershocks are being felt.

Heavy blog traffic in Iceland, on this, but no immediate reports of serious damage or injury, mostly "yeah I felt it too" and "was it bigger than the 'quake of 2000"

Seems like is down - presumably overloaded.

Sounds like it was under Ingólfsfjalli - good photo here of a fresh avalanche

Cracks on the main road

More furniture and crockery pics - sounds like the towns of Selfoss and Hveragerði had a bit of a scare.

CNN report

Mogginn - with new improved canonical pictures of broken crockery

Good coverage (in Icelandic, natch) at - lots of pictures.

Photo of location and maps of epicenter and aftershocks at this photo blog

Report is the epicenter was shallow, only 2 km below the surface.
Now reports of damage, including road and bridges, water and phone lines and "houses completely destroyed" in Selfoss.

Preliminary reports of injuries now. All minor so far. - Bruising/scrapes, no major injuries reported.

Hospital/clinic at Selfoss has considerable damage and is being partially evacuated as there are concerns the building is no longer structurally safe.


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By Emory Kimbrough (not verified) on 31 May 2008 #permalink