KITP: collapse

This beautiful tuesday morning, Dave tutors us on relaxation and cluster core collapse.
Then it is party at Alison's place.

But, first, we go through thermodynamics of self-gravitating internally relaxed systems, multiple equilibria and general dimensionless solutions.

Open Cluster M7 (from

Globular cluster M4 (from

Core collapsed? Or not?

Globular cluster M15 (from - ok actually hubblesite, but they had a scaled copy and I was on a roll)

Definitely core collapse, we think.

Seriously - there are more core collapsed or post-core collapsed clusters in the inner parts of the galaxy, as there should be, we think, maybe, depending on your definition.

M15 really almost certainly is in post-core collapse bounce, it is the only sensible way to explain PSR M15C and many other things about it.

But M4?
Which is it? A nice pre-collapse King model cluster?
Or a strongly modified way past post-core collapse cluster...?

ω Cen - absolutely positively definitely NOT a globular cluster

ω Cen is a nuisance, it violates all precepts about globulars, except how it looks,
ergo, it is not a globular


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