25 years in academia

and it comes down to this...

double first, Caltech doctorate, postdocs at top research institutions, personal fellowship, tenure-track, tenure...


and the forecast is for rain.

The good news is that since I am tenured I can probably still afford to buy even a new pair of Nikes.

The bad news is that since I am tenured I probably do not have the time to do so anytime soon.

Ah well, I really hate shopping anyway.

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The good news is that since you are tenured you have a high-speed internet connection in your office (if not at home) and can do your shopping on line.

That's what I have to do. All of the shoe stores in these parts assume, incorrectly, that men's feet are D width or wider. Such shoes do not fit my A width feet. So I order on line from a company that sells sneakers in B width, which is close enough that I can make it work.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Eric: I'd disagree with the "or wider" part: shoe stores assume all men's feet are D width, period. I wear a EEEE shoe, and until on-line shoe shopping was introduced, I never had a properly-fitting shoe in my life.

That is one old pair of shoes....

But to reiterate what the other said, just head to your favorite online search engine. Half of the shoes I own (and almost all of the sports related ones) come from online. Once you know how a company sizes, you are set.

God I hate Nikes.

Sadly they're only a year old.
I normally walk a lot, but not so much in CA.

Politics aside, Nike used to make reliable and comfortable running/walking shoes. Not so much anymore, inside and outside falls apart all too soon.
But that is a blogrant for another day.

The worrying thing is that they're the only pair of shoes I brought, and still haven't got around to getting a new pair.

I hate Nikes because they fit me badly. Their "D" width is more like a "C", and their heels are terrible.

But seriously, if you have a size and model, just google it. The shipping cost more
than pays for the cost in time it takes to actually buy a pair, unless you are going to be out shopping for the important people in your life.