two dead in LA, possibly from swine flu

lanow blog reporting two deaths over the weekend from pneumonia or 'flu like illness.
possibly from swine flu
or not.

33 yr male from Long Beach died monday - pneumonia over pre-existing lymphoma
45 yr male from La Mirada - died monda from pneumonia - County refused death certificate

Coroner's office is investigating

lifted from comment on Effect Measure


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I've been watching the news about this and managing to stay rather calm. Today local news reported 3 "possible" cases (I'm in Michigan). Since they are still "possible", and the people aren't reported to in bad shape, I've still been relatively calm.

Now: is it time to begin thinking "Oh shit"? (I'm not trying to be funny, just curious)

When they say that I wish they'd say what testing.
The comment from the coroner's office doesn't quite parse right, but it is second hand.
But that was very quick indeed.

It would be useful for positive results to be released.
I understand the hedging, but a all negative statement with qualifiers does not allay concern.

Something like: "it was flu, but seasonal H1N1"
or "bacterial pneumonia"
- not a "further testing indicated neither of two flu-related deaths being investigated in Los Angeles County appeared to be linked to the swine flu"

a literal parsing of such a statement is that they did some tests that did not indicate presence of swine flu, but no statement as to whether the tests could have made such a positive determination

eg a test for 'flu, and finding of unrecognized subtype is different from testing for 'flu and finding explicitly a particular known subtype

It is all a matter of framing.
We're big on framing over here.