Clone Wars: how are stockbrokers like colorectal cancer cells?
The Kavli Institute has a very interesting biophysics program series...
This weeks colloquium:
excellent colloquium on "cancer for theorists"
including discussion of the basics of cancer and metastasis,
mathematics of cancer epidemiology,
including the Master Equation for microevolution of cancer cells,
and open questions
soon likely to be a KITP program...
bottom line: everyone will get cancer, eventually, just from the Law of Large Numbers,
unless something else kills you first
we should do something about that...
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The Kavli Institute has a very interesting biophysics program series...
Last semester there was another interesting biophysics colloquium:
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Another topical colloquium here at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics...
"Money, It's a Gas"
New Developments in Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, and Wealth (podcast, video, slides)
by Victor Yakovenko, University of Maryland.
Paper in Rev. Mod. Phys. (arXiv:0905.1518)
Money, of…
The Quantum Control of Light and Matter program is underway here at KITP and I'm sitting in on some of the talks.
with Keto-Eno-Tautomerie-Blues!
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All I can say is, bloomin' heck, some interesting stuff that can be done now.
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The workshop on Massive Black Holes at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics continues with today's session on "Co-evolution of black holes and their host galaxies".
I continue a semi-liveblog of the proceedings.
As before, talks are online here - podcast, audio and video options; pdfs of…