linkedy links xiv

I'm kinda behind on this blogging thing, but here's some stuff other people have done to amuse y'all

Abtruse Goose - like xkcd good

Lord of the Finances - a First Draft - like this good

More simplified finanical truths - it is ok, really, it is not like Goldman Sachs would destroy the US economy just so their senior partners could get higher bonuses for one more year...

Bear Music - polyphonic rendition of the time series of market prices for the four great bear markets of this century - a real downer

Someone is stepping up the pace on Alpha Cen

- Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists - it ain't me baby, but that's some impressive hair on some of these heads

Chad contemplates the perspiration/inspiration ratio - it is large


Slow Science
- in my dreams - but I'm far too busy to actually write anything on this interesting idea

On becoming an Iceslave

More earthquakes in Iceland, and Hekla is getting ready to erupt, maybe

I want this

The Amherst Holdings Coup - they sold a bunch of CDS on a crap bond issue, overcovering the issue by a large factor, and then paid a third party to cover the bonds, burning the big boys badly.
Hey, I wonder if the Fed and AIG could do that also... they could, but they won't, 'cause guess who is inside the Fed?

Denmark is exposed to extent of 600 billion euros on bank guarantees - very prudent.

Space 106
Space 107
Space 108

That will do for now.


More like this

So... these credit default swap thingies, they pay out if some credit instrument goes bad, like a bond issue, and, famously, financial companies buy them as side bets hedges against financial "events", including betting against instruments they are promoting to clients, and deals they have no…
AIG released its counterparty list AIG Moving Forward - list of counterparties and amounts. So all this was really just to save Goldman Sachs... They got $12.9 billion from the "Maiden Lane" funds the US set up to launder channel funds rapidly to vulnerable financial institutions. 'course Barclays…
so apparently insurance conglomerate giant AIG is on the verge of bankruptcy, again, despite something of order $200 billion bailout from the US, which now owns 79.9% of the company the news solution is to request the US government guarantee the outstanding CDS that AIG issued I propose a solution…
been a while since l looked to see what is out there, but here is a smattering of recent blog stuff that caught my attention 'cause linking is good The Spirit of XKCD - admit it, you cried! Systemic looks at the Kepler planets announced at AAS Milky Way mapped in the style of the London…


"LFHCfS"...? Hmm...