There is a webcam from vodafone at the northwest side of the volcano - it caught the onset of the major flooding this evening
Popup images - click to enlarge.
14:02 local
19:04 local
after that there appears to be some haze obscuring the view...
PS: aftermath
13:30 the next day - the white bits are chunks of ice from the glacier - BIG chunks of ice...
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click to embiggen
Hi Res webcam
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Fire/Evacuation map from LA Times
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Better hope wind doesn't shift and pick up.
Oh, ok, grabbed…
I thought you'd like this video showing how people are pronouncing it!
I don't get it.
Icelandic is almost completely phonetic.
The word is pronounced as it is spelled...
Unspeakable! (Well, to Americans anyway. It sounds like "Evalovkg" to my ears. Then again, my grandparents were Swedes.)…
Most Americans would probably pronounce "Eyjafjallajökull" as something like "Aye-jahf-jol-la-joke-ool", giving it three more syllables than Icelanders do. :-)