proposed budget cuts

The House Appropriations Committee released a partial summary list of the cuts they plan to make relative to Obama's 2011 budget request, in discretionary items.
Note the 2011 budget year is underway on a continuing resolution, holding funding at 2010 levels, which includes appropriations for a number of things that have been cancelled.

Here are some of the science items released so far, apparently more to come.
The Senate will, of course, also have a say.

· NASA -$379M
· NSF -$139M
· National Institute of Standards and Technology -$186M
· NOAA -$336M
· CDC -$755M
· NIH -$1B
· Office of Science -$1.1B (DoE)

EPA, other DoE offices and USGS are also hit.

No word on which lines in those agencies are proposed for cutting.
Politically I'd expect a lot of the NASA cuts to be in Earth Science, no idea what is targeted at NSF.

Coming mid-year, accommodating some of those cuts could be very difficult as a lot of funding is already obligated to there may need to be recissions or very deep cuts in new outlays.

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You forgot "Agriculture Research" -$246M

Because nobody cares about growing food until you don't have any.

Didn't forget - just didn't go through the whole list.
I was looking for NASA/NSF/NIST and picked up the NIH/NOAA/CDC in passing.
Office of Science is potentially serious, but there are also lots more DoE cuts.

Anyway, moot point - Appropriations just announced they'll increase the cuts in discretionary programs to $100 billion.
Details to be announced when they put out the bill.


This will be mid-fiscal year - the cuts to new outlays could be catastrophically bad if they do cross-the-board, which they seem bound to do.