Kickstarting WTF star monitoring

Tabby's Star - KIC 8462852 - remains one of the more interesting and mysterious objects in the sky.

There is a good update at "Updates on Boyajian’s Star" - Astrowright's blog and "Bradley Schaefer: Further Thoughts on the Dimming of KIC 8462852" at Centauri Dreams has the latest on the controversy over whether the star has undergone long term fading.

Update: "The Most Mysterious Star in the Galaxy" - another guest blog by Schaefer providing a good overview of the issues.

Ultimately to resolve this more data is needed.
There is a Kickstarter Project - "The most mysterious star in the Galaxy" - to get serious time on Las Cumbres Observatory, the request is almost 2/3 of the way there with a few days to go.

Kick in if you can!

"Planet Hunters X. KIC 8462852 - Where's the Flux?" - Boyajian et al.

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