Anthology Avaliable

i-08b089b2879c5fa51748ca6ae830d193-anthology.jpgIf you are love reading great science blogs, and wish you could read them while you are away from the internet, check this out: The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006:

A collection of 50 selected blog posts showcasing the quality and diversity of writing on science blogs till 2006.

With the help of his readers, fellow ScienceBlogger Bora Zivkovik (better known 'round these parts as Coturnix at a Blog Around the Clock) has scoured the web to find the best science writing in the blogosphere, and compiled it all in one easy-to-read volume. It is now available to purchase through Lulu press, either in paperback or downloaded as a .pdf. (We should have a link for sales through Amazon, as well, at some point.)

I'll admit, I'm partial to this book, already. I offered some input in choosing the best posts, and was pleased to see my recommendations made it. (Now, I can read them, anytime, anywhere!) Not only that, but you'll find a piece of my own inside: Bipolar, a View from the Inside. While the subject matter is not exactly an easy one, the fictional story included is probably one of my best works. I'm proud to see it in print. (Technically, this is the first time I've ever had a story published.)

So, what are you waiting for? Go buy it!

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