Counter-Coulter action

Greensmile of The Executioners Thong blog has a question. He (sorry for gender confusion - edited) is offering to set up an automated webpage which people can use to send letters to the advertisers and sponsors of TV shows that allow right-wing talking points (e.g., having Coulter a as a guest) to be aired unchallenged. Woudl you be interested? If so (or if not and have a good reason to explain why not), go over there and chime in in the comments.

What kind of people on what kind of shows? Here is a short sampler.


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You have and you demonstrate the power of visibility on the net.
And thanks for indicating that criticism amending the idea for the better is welcomed. It truly is.

Much obliged.

[but Greensmile is a he, just ask Mrs. Greensmile someday.]

I'm all for it! A great concept, but unfortunately, there are far too many irrational and factless right-wing pundits out there that this technique could be applied to. Sure, Coulter is among the worst of the lot, however, and would be a wonderful place to start with this nice technique.