Carbon Dating

Since Creationists do not believe in Carbon Dating, they are not allowed to use this service. The only requirement is that you are capable of remaining isotopic during a conversation.

In other news, Jenna, TNG and John have, so far, responded to my book meme tag. Update: And Greensmile did it as well.


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Carl tagged me with a Book Meme and, since he is one of my most frequent commenters, I cannot say No. Although I have done four book memes before. This one is different and much harder as it asks for just one book in each answer, so I tried to do that, although each question really has many…
I got tagged by Steve Poceta -(if you are more interested in sleep disorders than circadian clocks in funny animals, his blog is more interesting to you than mine) to participate in the Eight Random Facts Meme. Here are the rules: 1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. 2.…
This was the first of several book-related memes I did, back on April 05, 2005. Follow the responses of people I tagged as well. And if you have not done this version yet, and you like the questions, then feel tagged and post your answers on your blog... I was afraid this was going to happen. I…
In 50 days of its existence, this blog has received 636 comments. The SEED sciencebloggers already promote each other a lot, so I want to give a shout-out to my most regular commenters who are NOT themselves SB bloggers or SEED staff (or myself - after all I posted the most comments while…

Hmmm. I write long serious posts full of links carefully checked for informative and relevant content and sometimes maybe with a minor novelty of connection or interpretation and the crowd thunders past. But do some terse monkeyshines and bam! Traffic.

[Thanks ;-]

Not sure which I'll be longer in regretting: what I left out of the book meme post or what I put in it.

It's always like that. Online readers are ADHD. More than a couple of sentences, or a picture, or a movie, and they cannot sustain attention.

Or perhaps, the long thoughtful posts are so definitive and so awe-inspiring, that nobody dares add a comment. And everybody thinks that everyone else MUST have already read that fantastic piece, so why bother linking to it!

Definitive, intimidatingly complete and incontrovertible...oh yeah, thats me. yeah, right. I think I'll start posting in paragraph chunks. Or, maybe iambic pentameter;)