DonorsChoose Update

My readers have, so far, raised $557.52 and fully funded two of the 25 challenges [update: five of 25]! Way to go! Thank you. There is still plenty of time until July 1st to fund some more science teachers and their underprivileged students. Janet has an update on the entire ScienceBlogs challenge.

Apparently, readers of Pharyngula have already met and exceededthe goal after just two days!

Greta and Dave are matching your donations to their causes.

David and Benjamin will publish your haiku!

Ten copies of SAMS Teach Yourself Blogging in a Snap have been added to the prizes pool, so when you donate, do not forget to put your name in the hat by forwarding your DonorsChoose confirmation e-mail to: sbDOTdonorschooseDOTbonanzaATgmailDOTcom .

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