This Day In History, again

On June 18th (year undisclosed, under the pain of torture, not to mention prolonged abstinence), a baby girl was born. She was born in Richmond, VA, quite by accident - although from an old Raliegh family, her father was doing his residency in Richmond at the time. She grew up in Raleigh, and, many years later, said "I do". I said "I do" at the same time and in the same room (no church ceremonies for us hard-core atheists!). Happy birthday!

On June 18th, 1991, I woke up very early in the morning, picked up my backpack and hailed a taxi. My parents and I went down to the Belgrade train station. I got on the train which took me through what, about a week or two later, would become three countries: Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, but at the time were still one - Yugoslavia. Next day, I got off the train in London. Next day, a plane took me from Heathrow to JFK. Next day, I landed in North Carolina. I am still in North Carolina. It's a beautiful day.


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Happy birthday, Mrs. Z, and happy anniversary to you and Bora! Interestingly, my friend Alan also got married on his birthday, which happens to be today as well (see my blog)... what is it about June 18?

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Coturnix, Happy Anniversary to both, and a Happy Father's Day to the Big Daddy himself. I was also fortunate to marry into an old NC family and consider myself all the richer for it. Have a great day, friends!

Thank you, thank you. But, we did not get married on June 18th - just many years after she was born LOL! I had to wait for her to be old enough to marry!