A-maize-ing, husky and with a kernel of truth

Ingeo is a fabric made out of genetically engineered corn - one more way the agricultural-military-industrial complex is finding a way to get you to consume all those tons of corn they are paying the farmers to grow.
Fashion of future may grow in cornfield:

``We think there is a tremendous future for it, particularly because the consumer world is starting to wake up and recognize that it makes sense to employ some of these different materials as an alternative to both energy and fabric," said Martin Dudziak, research director for Linda Loudermilk Inc., which makes Ingeo clothes.

Fashion: Corn Clothes:

There are downsides, however. The fabric is machine-washable but can melt if ironed

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Personally, I'm looking forward Nexia's Biosteel: Transgenic goats that produce spider silk proteins in their milk.

The Amazing SpiderGoat!
*baaaa* *TWHWIP* *swing!*

"SpiderGoat, SpiderGoat,
So much larger than a stoat..."

I am in internship period in a french enterprise and i have to look for a new fibre. Here, only cotton, polyester and flax are used. However INGEO is said like a new fibre with good properties. But I never see and touch these fibres. What could you tell me about that? And about the price? And about the dying? Thanks for your answer.