The Creepy Guy at Work

Shakespeare's Sister has another article up on AlterNet: Bush gropes German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Bush channeled the Creepy Guy at Work who gives a female coworker an unwanted massage, much to his repulsed target's chagrin.


This is the ultimate in rude and presumptuous behavior. I've worked with men who feel compelled to touch me in exactly this way, with one even responding to my terse request to back off with a more determined shoulder rub and the comment, "But you're so tense." To which I replied, "That's because you won't get your fucking hands off of me." He backed away then with his hands in the air and a big, "Geez!" like I was a bitch. What an asshole I was for not considering my body community property like he did.


Bush needs to stick with staring lovingly into the eyes of foreign leaders to look at their souls and keep his bloody hands to himself.


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yuck! could you imagine bush coming up behind you to massage your shoulders??? and europeans LOVE their massages. so ya, georgie porgie, keep the grope to yourself , blair and harper. double yuck!