Obligatory Readings of the Day

Pam: 'Creationist' says IRS is out to get him on Kent Hovind

Shakespeare's Sister reviews (again) Fussell's 'Class'

Lance: Castaway (Thoreau, Darwin, Sexton)

Paul the Spud: As The World Burns on Inhofe and global warming.

Pam: Q of the day - Unfortunate interiors on the horrible interior decorating style of the 1970s.

Lindsay links to an interview with George Lakoff and some of her commenters display the usual misunderstanding of Lakoff's ideas and of the concept of framing, and believe that Truth and policy proposals will win on their own.

Lance: Sharks, seals, foxes, pink jellyfish, and the occasional tarantula, part I and part II.

Publius on the real threat to Israel, the stem cell veto (why is it good for Dems) and how Bush is like a computer chess software, plus a parable - FREEDOM.


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