Do you know your own political ideology?

If you are in North Carolina you can listen to State Of Things on your local NPR station. Just about to start (12noon EDT):

What Your Vote Says About You: So you think you're a conservative? Or a liberal? New research shows that you may not know how you fall on the political spectrum after all, and you may be especially confused when you vote. Host Frank Stasio talks with James Stimson, a professor of political science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, about what your vote says about your real political leanings.

This is the second story (after Blakwater and before Depression)

Update: So far, he is saying what I was saying for a couple of years now - there is a huge proportion of Americans who self-identify as conservative yet are entirely liberal (self-professed liberals are mainly correct). Those people go for the symbols, not policies - whichever party controls the symbols, the language and the conversation, wins these people who are the ulitimate swing voters. The term "conservative" is more popular and that is why Republicans are winning no matter how liberal Americans are.


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This is the problem with bipartisan states; the dichotomy between political idiologies breeds a sort of nationalism (partyism?); i.e. it's not just that you support your own political party, you hate the other one.

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