Why does Media have to screw up everything it touches?

Including screwing with the people who touch themselves for a charitable cause:

"Overall I think a well-intentioned event has been hijacked by a corporation who don't really care if we have good sex and enjoy masturbation, but just want more viewing figures. I hope people do join in and support the event, but I worry that it'll invite more sex-negative discussions than stories that encourage masturbation.

The masturbate-a-thon most certainly has had more coverage in one day than it's got in the past five years that it's been running. Call me old fashioned, but I preferred it when it truly was about pleasure, education, activism and 'coming for a cause'. Not as a replacement in Channel 4's schedule once Big Brother's finished."

Read the rest, of course...


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i'd never heard of this fund/consciouness raising event before....what a great idea, and now what a shame that it's being exploited. the next time i engage in solitary vice i wont be callin up channel 4.