Thank You to my commenters

In 50 days of its existence, this blog has received 636 comments. The SEED sciencebloggers already promote each other a lot, so I want to give a shout-out to my most regular commenters who are NOT themselves SB bloggers or SEED staff (or myself - after all I posted the most comments while responding to others). I happily include people who I disagree with here - spam and trolling has been deleted long ago and is not counted in the totals.

Plus, at some point in the future (perhaps on December 31st), I will do this again and the person with the greatest number of comments will get to choose the topic of my subsequent post!

Here are the current leaders of the pack:

greensmile 18
Bill Hooker 14
tng 11
Dendroica 10
CFeagans 9
Peter Wilson, PhD 9
etbnc 8
Deep Thought 8
John McKay 6
theRidger 6
Jenna 6
Tulse 6
Elayne Riggs 5
Brandon 5
Kristjan Wager 4
nbm 4
scout 4
Kevin 4 well as a number of people with three comments (cross the magic barrier and I'll include the link next time!)...:

Carel 3
Phil Plait 3
Left_Wing_Fox 3
Julie Stahlhut 3
Jane Shevtsov 3
Madison Guy 3
Hsien Lei 3
Erin Monahan 3
J-Dog 3
Karl 3
Dave S. 3
David Boxenhorn 3
Craig Pennington 3
wheatdogg 3
Babe in the Universe 3
Paul Decelles 3
JacquiG 3
Coffee Mug 3

...and many with 2 or 1...


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LOL More the merrier! Sooner or later you'll get tired of counting and you'll post something smart - I know you cannot resist!


I really enjoyed reading your blog. I always look for blogs with great content such as this one. in fact, if i were you i would go to and submit this blog and let thousands of others see it for free..
well, i look forward to all the updates. thanks again'


By jessica kardon (not verified) on 29 Jul 2006 #permalink

Yup. This makes the fourth one.

Actually, there are any number of ways I can make this more than a "me too" post. I could implore you to comment on my stuff, for example. That would be pandering, however.

So nevermind.

Hmmm...a blabbermouth like me didn't even break two? Or did you exclude SiBlings/SciBlings.

I haven't yet had the pleasure of being visited by greensmile, but Dr Bill Hooker and etbnc have been among the most thoughtful commenters at Terra Sigillata. And, heck, I just love Erin Monahan on principle!

Well, as Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, "Never mind." I finally just read the text instead of just jumping to the list and learned that you excluded SB'ers and our Seedy compatriots.

Rats. I thought I'd commented more often than that. This is certainly a motivation! ;) BTW, tell me you didn't do the counting manually....

This was a semi-manual process. There is a list of comments on MovableType -you can search it, scroll through it and click on names to get counts, then click on inidividual comments to get URLs of homepages, etc. - it certainly took some time and that is why I gave up on finding URLs for people with 3 or less comments.

I must say, you have to admire Corturnix's consistency and honesty. He didn't let the Bad Astronomer's celebrity status influence his decision to leave Phil without a link to his site! :-)

Number four here�

Sorry, just couldn't resist. More politics than science here, unless one sweeps linguistics into the fold, but what the hell, it seemed like an invitation:

Leftover neocon mischief -- Were Martin Amis and John Updike taken in by blowback from an anti-Muslim disinformation campaign that's been littering the internet ever since the buildup to the Iraq war?…

what a coincidence. In a fit of idleness Friday afternoon, I compiled stats on what domains my hits came from over the last two months:

The top 17:

Some of the is from PZ and some from Dr. Freeride but most of the top two places are guess who.

So the e-cquaintance has been mutually profitable and mutually present...thank YOU, Bora.

I didn't think I was that much of an extrovert. But now that there's motivation..! I especially love the sleep stuff, and seeing your views on different areas. Not to mention you're a *great* source of links.