Plan B

Connect The Dots. Will they ever do anything if not for political reasons? Health? They don't care... Approval of a Bush appointee? Sure, let's sign what needs to be signed....

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We already knew from former Surgeon General Carmona's testimony that this was happening, but now the WaPo brings us a specific example of science being squelched by a political appointee. It's not only inappropriate, but just despicable. A surgeon general's report in 2006 that called on Americans…
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Well - a little late, but I just had to comment. I don't get the negative tone here. Looking at this story I think it is showing politics actually working - somebody actually being forced to do something realistic by political pressure rather than babbling about some ficticious reality. The government "plays with peoples lives" every day in thousands of ways. The FDA is a policy agency so of course politics will be involved and I'm glad. I think a lot of the problems of this administration have been because they aren't playing politics, but rather acting as if they have the true way so don't need to get into the sausage grinder and work things out.

Oh Oh... we are at multi-level pretending now, Yikes I think we need some more dimensions to describe this :-)