Slaughtering the PIG continues....

Mark Perakh debunks Chapter 16 of Jonathan Well's poor excuse of a book. The chapter is on alleged new "Lysenkoism" in today's American science, which has nothing to do with historical Lysenkoism.

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The ongoing dissection of Wells' The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design continues, with two new disembowelments on display. Andrea Bottaro rips up Chapter 9, "The Secret of Life". In this one, Wells makes the tired old argument that only intelligent agents can create…
In case you haven't been following the vivisections of Wells' horrid book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, I thought I'd mention that there's more online at the Panda's Thumb. Wells' book is a collection of anti-science propaganda, brought to us by those…
Mark Perakh reviews yet another chapter of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design. In this particular chapter, Wells argues that "Lysenkoism is now rearing its ugly head in the US, as Darwinists use their government positions to destroy the careers of their critics."…
***There is an update at the bottom of this post with yet another email and response*** I received an email this morning from Todd Zywicki, the person I criticized yesterday for making false and inflammatory accusations against PZ Myers and then, in Orwellian fashion, attempting to make them…