Long Tail of your blog?

Lance, Matt and Tom write on MSM misunderstaning of blogs, and on old posts that keep on giving. What are your old posts that keep getting links and comments months and years after they disappeared into the depths of archives? For me it is definitely this one.


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My blog is young, but the most referenced article is without a doubt This one on Kevin Trudeau. I definitely need to write Part 2. Funny thing is, your sleep article is one that I remember skimming with the intent to go back and read carefully, but I forgot. Thanks for the reminder! Now... let me go read it. :)

Right off the top of my head, I think my atheism piece is the one that keeps on giving. Getting it all out of system by writing is was cathartic, but I hadn't expected the post to resonate months after I've written it. That was when I found out how powerful blogging can be for the writer and for readers. I'm still seeing/experiencing the pros of blogging.

Strange referrals is another thing I notice too. The strangest so far is from search.yahoo.com where entering "j cup breasts" (without the quotes) returns my blog at #45. The snippet includes: "...having large breasts they throw over their shoulders when they run!"

I could give the link to the actual page and the context, but that would take away the mystery! :)