So much ado about one picture

i-61f4a272e6d70a840b0400b06c17e176-Clinton blogger dinner.jpg

Its'a all about sex, sexual repression and sexual politics:

David Neiwert
Sisyphus Shrugged


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Uh no, that's only according to that part of the liberal blogosphere obsessed with mocking wingnuts. A very different part of the liberal blogosphere has been addressing a more important aspect of the photo, to wit the absence of non-whites. It's to the liberal blogosphere's shame that the Althouse nonsense got so much more play than the racial issue.

I had to actually click through 3 or 4 different blogs starting with PZ to figure out that everyone is talking about the chick in the middle's breasts.

I didn't even notice them, being to busy trying to figure out who was in the pic and why they were with Clinton. And now that I know this is the topic, I'm still not impressed. Nor am I impressed with the pseudo-hip affrontment at "non-whites" missing from the photo. Really. Are we to expect that there cannot be a gathering of bloggers with a former President without first sampling all ethnicities and checking with people's sensibilities first?

Poppycock. Lets sample their minds, their writing, and their proliferation within the blogosphere first. Besides, isn't the Daily Kos run by a Latino?

Spoken like a true white guy, CF! :)

Actually, I don't mind if people draw the conclusion you did regarding the all-white photo, it's very much like what my husband said. But to not discuss it at ALL, when it seems like the entire blogosphere has gone completely overboard in discussing (and mocking) the stupidity of Althouse & co.? I thought that was even more unbalanced than the collection of bloggers in the photo (which didn't include Markos, I don't think he attended).

Well, I have linked to that part of the discussion earlier and one of the links above (Pam's) is on that topic. The title (Much ado...) should have made it clear that everyone is talking about unimportant aspect of this picture.