Scientists Fight Back

Scientists Fight Back! Announcing Scientists and Engineers for America:

Concerned about the ideological and partisan manipulation of science, compromising of scientific integrity and harassment of scientists by the Bush Administration and Congress, leaders in the scientific and engineering communities announced the launch of a new organization on Wednesday, September 27th. The group, called Scientists and Engineers for America, is a 527 political organization that will focus on the need to address the current state of science policy by electing new political leadership.

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Between this and Richard Dawkins' new organization, I am becomming far more optimistic than I previously was about the future of this country.

Looking at the political history of America in the last 40-50 years, you'll see that the current religious right phenomenon began because the ecclesiastical establishment of the time was becomming increasingly marginalized by the social and economic progress of the mid-late 60's and early 70's. Now that scientists are suffering a similar marginalization from the previously ascendant religious right, it seems that we too are bouncing back.

I see a silver lining to the utter failure that is the Bush administration, call me naive and/or overly optimistic.