Framing the "Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006" (H.R. 4844)

What Would Real Election Integrity Mean?

The repeated use of the Illegal Immigrant frame activates deep frames related to police protection from a criminal threat. In such a law and order frame, progressives who oppose the House bill are characterized as failing to protect the citizenry from criminals. Moreover, progressives may be painted as corrupt, seeking to win the votes of such criminals at the expense of their legitimate constituents.

Thinking Points, new Lakoff's book, is now out. You can preview and order it on the Rockridge Institute website, where you can also download Chapter1 and Chapter2 (pdf's).

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I wrote this on September 21, 2004, as a reaction to the misunderstanding of Lakoff's term "Nurturant Parent". Slightly edited (eliminated bad links and such). Discussions of Lakoff's theory are going on in several places in the blogosphere, including on DailyKos and many other places...just…