My picks from ScienceDaily

Animals Resistant To Drunken Behavior Offer Clues To Alcoholism's Roots:

Animals with a remarkable ability to hold their liquor may point the way toward the genetic underpinnings of alcohol addiction, two separate research teams reported in the October 6, 2006 issue of the journal Cell. Earlier studies have shown that people with a greater tolerance for alcohol have a greater risk of becoming alcoholics, according to the researchers.

What about natural species differences?

Home, Home On The Range: How Much Space Does An Animal Really Need?:

Instead of wandering around aimlessly, most animals tend to stay in a certain area -- known as their home range. Understanding an animal's home range has been a central focus of ecological research since Darwin's time. But while explaining why different sized species need different amounts of space is relatively easy, a study from the October issue of the American Naturalist tackles a much more complex question: What determines differences in home range size among individu als of one species?

Consuming Cola May Up Osteoporosis Risk For Older Women, Study Suggests:

In an epidemiological study, researchers analyzed dietary questionnaires and bone mineral density measurements of more than 2,500 people in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study and found that cola consumption was associated with lower bone mineral density at three different hip sites of older women.

Revere has more...

Mathematical Simulation May Help Ease Airport Congestion:

Researchers at Purdue University have created a mathematical simulation that could be used in a new national strategy to ease airport congestion and improve the overall transportation system.

Live Oak Trees Struggle For Survival In Growth Areas:

The majestic live oak is losing its battle for survival to suburban sprawl and the encroachment of taller trees, a new University of Florida study finds. An icon in American history and literature, broad-crowned live oaks thrive in open savannas but are dying off as they are crowded and overshadowed by the encroachment of taller trees, said Francis Putz, a UF botanist and the study's co-author.

Short Episodes Of Manic Symptoms May Indicate Bipolar Disorder In Some Youth:

Not all children with bipolar disorder may be getting properly identified because they fall just short of meeting diagnostic criteria for the disorder -- criteria that is based on adult experiences -- finds a study that examines the characteristics of children and adolescents who have symptoms of mania. The findings are from the first study of its kind to delineate the types of symptoms seen in children with bipolar spectrum disorders.

Williams Syndrome, The Brain And Music:

Children with Williams syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, just love music and will spend hours listening to or making music. A study by a multi-institutional collaboration of scientists, published in a forthcoming issue of NeuroImage, identified structural abnormalities in a certain brain area of people afflicted with Williams syndrome. This might explain their heightened interest in music and, in some cases, savant-like musical skill.


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