The Greatest American Hero

Yes, I like some strange movies, but I arrived in the USA too late to see The Greatest American Hero TV show. Can you tell me more about it?

These people have just released the DVDs of the show. Should I get myself a copy?


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Incredibly cheesy.

I watched a few shows when they were out and was amazed at the (bad) silliness involved. If you like the general shallowness of the A-Team, you'd probably go for this -- although the cheesiness of the A-Team can be very campy (good) and suitable for background noise during drinking and poker parties while this would be just too pathetic to share even with drunk friends.

I think the A-Team started out trying to be an action series, and then progressively got so bad that they just turned it into a parody of itself. OTOH, this started out as an unfunny comedy and got worse.

But that's just my opinion.

We have very similar tastes in movies, and therefore I'd recommend that you take a pass on THE GREAT AMERICAN HERO TV series. My memories are dim, granted, but I recall it being rather insipid and uninspired in its cheesiness... That's just my two cents...

Having looked at your linked list of films, I would agree with Jennifer. I think shows like this get released on DVD to appeal to 70s nostalgia. It's not what I would call a "universal cheesiness," but a cheesiness that appeals specifically to the experience of growing up nerdy, middle-class, and suburban in America in the '70s. FWIW, I was smack dab in the target audience for GAH, and I watched the show out of some sense of cultural obligation, but it made almost no impression on me. Oh, and the theme song became a minor radio hit at the time, and that accounts for some of the nostalgia appeal.

Oh, I don't know. I enjoyed it - and have even bought all three seasons - but then I eat Robert Culp up, so I may be prejudiced. It's not great tv, by any means, but it's kind of cute. I guess I'd advise you to borrow it ... hey, if you want, I'll lend you mine.