Internet use in Serbia

There is a new study out on computer and internet use in Serbia (via). Several things immediately jumped out at me: how many people connect by modem, how many connect from home (as opposed to work, school, etc.), how big is the rural/urban divide, and how many people think they have no use for the Internet and expect never to use it in their lives.

I have a feeling that these findings are quite different from other countries (not to mention the US). I'd like to know what are the equivalent numbers in other countries in which such studies have been done.

The numbers in Serbia may be also a result of the migrations over the past 15 years. Hundreds of thousands of people have left the country - mostly young, educated people who speak foreign languages (and thus have the ability and need to use the Internet fully). Thus, the population may have a slight skew at the moment towards older and less educated people. The youngest generations are still at the personal IM-ing stage and may start using the Internet more over the next few years as they grow up, MySpace first, then the rest of it.

Anyway, the numbers are not so bleak as they are rising every year (the study has been conducted annually since 1999) and the new generations will use the Internet more. Once the businesses, schools and "old" media get smarter about their Internet use and there is more broadband/wifi connection available, the use will likely skyrocket. There are certainly somne great blogs there, see here, here and here.

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I agree that the users of Internet services in Serbia are increasing. A year ago Telekom company did research on Internet usage (cca 14% of whole population including Montenegro), and this new data in questionnaiare (though done on more than 1000 citizens), showed that Serbia is approaching to information technology age.
But, I would not say, to digital literacy in general. As there will be 'testing time' as country (still) in transition, to (IM)prove its qualites.
Btw, the 'older' Internet generations have used, now use and will continue to use all new e-forms:)