
Environment and Public Works Committee:

Outgoing Chair: James Inhofe (OK).

Incoming Chair: Barbara Boxer (CA).



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Sweet indeed! So much sweetness today, I may have to up my dose of prandin!

Take your time on the ICP...I am taking tonight off for a glass of champagne myself, so I can't ask more of you.

Take care, my friend.

As an avid cyclist, a concerned environmentalist and a strong atheist, I hate everything Inhofe stands for. I consider him the absolute worst Senator--and that includes the outgoing @#$% from my home state of Pennsylvania.

Unfortunately, I don't have any Champagne in the fridge, but I have plenty of homemade red wine in the basement. Mmmmmmmmmmm...

That IS one of the better of many good outcomes here. I despise that lying SOB. He has more concern for the profits of oil companies than he does for all the to-be-parched generations that come after him...his name if it is remembered at all, should always be associated with the denialist idiocy that has delayed action on global warming. perhaps a special honor is in order, like when a glacier has completely melted away, it gets renamed as an Inhofe glacier. or perhaps tropical storms or tornados that exceed historical intensities or frequencies by more than one standard deviation can be categorized in the "Inhofe Bonus" category of storm.

Good ridance.

[oh and Inhofe, more than any plays, the fundies like a cheap whore and claims he represents them]

Good ridance.