Fear And Self-Loathing at Cornell

Remember Amanda Doerty, the so-called Hot Abercrombie Chick? Just one of many bloggers to be shown to be a hoax?

Now, do you think that this Rachel Brenc is real? I'd rather believe that this is a man in disguise. I hope no young woman really thinks the way she does. Zuska, Janet and John explain why, so I don't have to. The child of privilege, despising everyone under her, self-assured of her own success because her self-professed attractiveness will help her nab a husband who can step into her father's shoes and continue protecting her white, conservative privilege.


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That's...really bad. I have a headache.

Being about as young as the author (about a year older, actually) makes me think twice about posting here. I'm now paranoid that I may be that stupid, and everyone is probably laughing at me. I hate myself.

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 17 Nov 2006 #permalink

In my experience discussing politics with a contributor or two from the Cornell American, they're pathetic - they're M.O. is to piss potential readers off as much as possible, in a pathetic attempt to gain attention. (I think they learned from Ann Coulter how to do that).

Sadly, I shared a rental property with one of the contributors for a couple years, and the only way I could peacefully coexist with him was to avoid discussions on politics with him altogether. He was everything that you could picture from a radically extreme right-winger stereotype, right down to the subscriptions to the Limbaugh Letter, a copy of Dobson's, Coulter's, and Malkin's books on the bookshelf, a "pro-life" activist, and an aggressively devout Catholic.

But for Cornell American contributors in general, I think it's a pre-requisite to be a radical extremist ideologue in every sense of the term...

Whaddayawannabet that Rachel wanted to go to Cornell because her role model Coulter went there?

By natural cynic (not verified) on 18 Nov 2006 #permalink

Yes, the Cornell American is apparently written by the sort of knee-jerk right-wing bigots who give conservatism a bad name. Last year I read their reviews of a number of courses which they had not attended (I know this for certain, because one was a brand new course) based soley on the course titles that sounded "liberal" to them.

Yes, Ann Coulter graduated from Cornell. Yes, Mark Psiaki, a professor of engineering, heads the campus IDEA club.

Lots of other people attended "godless Cornell" as well, including Keith Olbermann, who returned to give the 1998 Senior Convocation Speech.

By ivy privy (not verified) on 18 Nov 2006 #permalink

Every campus has its small share of idiots. Bigger the campus, greater the number of wackos on it. More there are of them, more they are able to organize, publish papers and harass their fellow students. Bigger the herd, stronger the herd mentality.

Cornell is a fantastic University. It's a shame this cretins are giving it a bad name.