Wii not for Hyperactive people

Once you get your new Nintendo console, make sure you are calm while playing. Otherwise, you are bound to break something.


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This is proof that the Wii is the best console ever made. No other video game system requires you to seriously injure and/or kill yourself in order to enjoy it fully. I love the Wii.

Oh I remember when people were worried that kids playing video games were heavy, violent, social misfits who never went outside. :)

Is that image/reality going to be replaced with the gamer as physically fit and popular athlete?

Have you given in and bought one for your kids Bora? :)

Popular athlete, eh BrianR? I also wouldn't recommend the Wii for the dumb jocks who are plenty violent anyways. Nothing like a tackle-happy 17 year old throwing a fit over a video game with another guy just like him, I say.

By Aerik Knapp-Loomis (not verified) on 08 Dec 2006 #permalink

I've told my hubby who works at Playstation they were going the wrong direction with the PS3. Congrats to Nintendo for kicking Sony's ass this year. ;^)

I've told hubby they better come out with some Wii killer controllers and games for PS2 stat.

But...but... high def! but...but DVR! ... but but Blueray!

Honey, people want to have FUN with their games, really!
