Pinochet Dead

At the Age 91.

SANTIAGO, Chile -- Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who overthrew Chile's democratically elected Marxist president in a bloody coup and ruled this Andean nation for 17 years, died Sunday, dashing hopes of victims of his regime's abuses that he would be brought to justice. He was 91.


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What a pity. I was looking forward to the trial (and the conviction).

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

I'm no fan of Pinochet and am appalled at the fact that my government supported a thug like him, but I think it's a bit much to exonerate Allende. I have never seen convincing evidence that Allende would have been any less authoritarian than Pinochet, and given his rather extensive connections with Castro it's rather questionable. Even calling him "democratically elected" is a bit of an exaggeration, as it's only true technically (he barely squeaked by with a vote that was far less than a majority).

Allende, as we now know, was in constant contact with the KGB and Castro. It was clear he was putting Chile on the path to Marxist ruin. How many would die in such a communist hell-hole like Cuba then - 300,000? Probably more. Leftists will attempt to control history by comparing Pinochet to the "great" dicators of the world (who by the way, are nearly all Marxists). History should judge Pinochet as ultimately having preserved the institutions of Democracy for Chileans, while Allende (with Castro) was prepared to dismantle everything in Chile for the fantasy of Communism.

By Cristobal (not verified) on 11 Dec 2006 #permalink

as someone living in a communist country. i think you should get down on the ground and pray thanks to god for Pinochet. as a result of his presidency, which he abdicated in a democratic vote, chile today is the most financially stable country in all the americas. that includes the usa and canada. it is the only country not buried in the stupidy of government social welfare obligations. ok, so making chorizo is a bit messy, and one does kill a few pigs, but the result is buenisimo chorizo which feeds your family and pleases your friends. no one misses a few dead communists except cnn, the bbc, indymedia ...and maybe jimmy the idiot carter. vive chile!!!!!!!!!

By gcblues en nicaragua (not verified) on 11 Dec 2006 #permalink

This is interesting. I post a link to WaPo and all these people with strange ideas show up. Where from? WaPo trackbacks? Did I say anything about Pinochet except the fact that he is dead?

, dashing hopes of victims of his regime's abuses that he would be brought to justice.

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah, you did

By gcblues en nicaragua (not verified) on 11 Dec 2006 #permalink

You see the dashed line on the left? That indicates a quote.

All I wrote is "At the Age 91."

And since when is the USA a communist country?

And this is a blog. I report, you decide. When I decide to write my own opinions, I make that clear. This is not such a case. I was just very fast at getting and transmitting this piece of news.

I know very little about Chile or Pinochet and have no opinion one way or another. Perhaps I should know more. Maybe I'll learn. But for now, I don't give a damn, except that I thought this would be newsworthy at a time when no other blogger reported about it yet. Just providing an informaiton service.

And since when is the USA a communist country?

i am writing from the red republic of eugene oregon. but i live in rivas nicaragua. look up my utube video under gcblues of daniel oretega going by my house. so while eugene orgegon is commielike, nicaragua is indeed communist. my house is 4 blocks from parque central.

i do not care if you wrote it, or reported it. comments are for reaction, u have a comment section. my reaction to people that kill communists is to applaud. yeahhhhhh. need a little housekeeping in oaxaca too

By gcblues en nicaragua (not verified) on 11 Dec 2006 #permalink

Well, I actually know something about communism, buddy, from personal experience, and I still do not like the bloodthirsty attitude. Go troll on other people's blogs - how about some rightwingers - they'll love you.

Perfect - go there to that idiotic blog blog and the two of you can enjoy each other's ridiculous ideas as long as you wish.


i know nothing about that blog, i just read his summary which was historical and correct. u ok? you said you wanted to know more about pinochet. i copied. wow man. keep up the meds. hope you are all right ...buddy. besos

By gcblues en nicaragua (not verified) on 11 Dec 2006 #permalink

His account is total BS. Just look at his blogroll - all the nuts who need to be under constant psychiatric supervision on an in-patient basis - fat, bald, pale, virgin cowards with Cheeto dust in their parents' basmements, pretending they are "real men" online because they are such sissies iin real life.

I'm just coming back to the blogosphere after two months away, and found this post while scrolling the huge accumulated bloglines lists. It's a pity that only a couple of trolls showed up, but I must commend you for that wonderful last line, Cheetos included!

BTW, I was Chile. Just in time for the event. And yes, history is never black or white. And yes, it's uncomfortable to be happy about the death of a human being. Yet, I joined the crowd (the large one), and I did drink some champagne. As a friend said: "Write a book, plant a tree, have a child, see a dictator pass away".