Blogrolling: X

I know only these two - do you know any others:

Xenogere / strange behavior /

Previously (and please you can add suggestions at any time in the future - I get e-mail notifications so I will get the message):


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V-V-V, vot begins with V? Very vicious veblogs! V-V-V! The Valve Vegreville Vet Tech Viewfinder Blues The View From The Cheap Seats VirJournal: A Vivisection of Virge The Voltage Gate A Voyage To Arcturus Previously (and please you can add suggestions at any time in the future - I get e-mail…
We finally got to the end of the alphabet. Now I'll try to put everything together and provide a link to a complete blogroll. But you can keep telling me what good blogs are missing... Zapato Productions ZayZayEM Previously (and please you can add suggestions at any time in the future - I get e-…

Took imbedded tick to BAMC in Aug. of 1989 and was told by their lab that Lyme disease was not in Texas. Was never treated and went down a slippery slope for 10 years. Infections that would not clear up throughout the body. Osteoarthritis which was fast forming lipping in shoulders, spine, thumb joints, brain fog, oxygen sat. rates in low 80's. Finally had brain rupture in Aug. of 1999. Felt great when artery in brain was clipped and I was put on massive doses of antibiotics. Three months into rehab. my daughter (2nd. yr. dental student) called and told me to get to my doctor immediately. In one of her medical classes that day they had heard the story of a man that had had every surgery I had had in the last 10 yrs. to include a ruptured anuerysim in brain. She thought they were talking about me. He was a Borrela patient (Lyme disease). I had been dismissed in Texas in 1989 and not treated with doxycycline so when I did get the Western Blot shortly after her phone call, I did indeed have a high positive for Borrela. My doctor talked with several other doctors and they said I was probably a Chronic case. Two weeks on IV Rocephin 2grams. Within three days the massive floaters in eyes were gone. The Chronic fatigue abated, brain fog clearing, Pain throughout body getting less, thought processes coming back and oxygen sats. almost normal. Three months later we had to move with military back to Texas. I did well for almost 8 months and without warning the symptoms came back with a vengance and now as a registered nurse I felt I was fighting malaria. I went to the infectous disease clinic to be told that the two weeks of Rocephin I had had the year before would have cleared the Borrela and I had a post Lyme Syndrom. Luckily we were only there for two years and then sent back to Colorado where I had been diagnosed in 1999. I was at an orthopedic doctors for a thumb joint problem and he noticed that my records stated I had Lyme disease and he asked who was following me and I told him what the disease doctor said in San Antonio about my Lyme being irradicated. He sent me to a specialist and they sent my blood work to IGENEX Lab. The results were Borrela B., Borrela Hensli, Babesia Microti, and Babesia WA1. The Babesia was most likely causing the malaria symptoms. I started long term IV treatment with three IV's, mepron for the malaria, actigal to help the liver and have gotten my life back. Some time between 1989 and 1999 my disease had become cystic. The cysts form around the Borrelia spirichette in my red blood cells and take up room where oxygen should be allowed to flow and that explains why my saturation of oxygen was going as low as 79%. The angina I was experiancing was also cyclical, and that was happening when I was getting the malaria symptoms with the bacteria babesia. The brain rupture was most likely caused by this horrible disease. My arthritis is finally at bay. Just had a cervical fusion and need to have lower spine done because of rupture of L5 and S1. Difficult to stand. My tumor necrosis is high. Have had cystic ovaries and lipomas in back, feet, shoulder. The relief from my treatment is amazing that the new, or should I say old protocal for Lyme Disease is a joke. The ISDA came out with Doxycycline for two to four weeks as a cure for Lyme Disease and this may be the case if a person is immediately placed on this med when the disease is caught in time. I went for ten years from doctor to doctor and surgery to surgery. I feel this is because I was not treated for this dreaded disease until 10 years after the fact. The HMO'S and INS. companies are preventing us from getting the care we need because the ISDA has spoken and not addressed the Chronic patient. So most patients must pay out of pocket for treatment that should be covered by our Ins. For some of us this can well be over $50,000 a year. This is a pandemic disease and so under diagnosed that it is the AIDS of the 21rst. century. Please listen to the war vets. who have been exposed to ticks and sand fleas,the MS and ALS patients that when checked with Polmerized testing are found to be Borrela positive. This spirichette can live in sperm so it is often passed onto the spouse and if a pregnancy occurs the baby will most likely be born with Lyme. Please wake up all of us and smell the coffee. It sure is wonderful to be vertical and have normal thought proccesses, oxygen to breath, pain that one can bare, sight, joints that move smoothly, and that horrible fatigue at bay.