FemiBlogging of the Week, Month, Year and Forever

The 29th Carnival of Feminists is up on The imponderabilia of actual life containing posts by several of my favourite bloggers, including Zuska who has her own pick of favourites there.

Speaking of Zuska, she also has a cool article in the inaugural issue of the new science-culture Inkling Magazine, the brainchild of the magnificent blogging Trio Fantasticus of Inkycircus.

And while we are on the topic, Razib exhibits a complete lack of sense of irony, i.e., the inability to see sarcasm and seeing seriousness instead.

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Razib exhibits a complete lack of sense of irony

yes jew, i do. (my reference to your jewishness is meant to raise consciousness, take it how it's meant, to educate, not insult)