Fun with numbers: Blogger Challenge update (day 4).

We're in the middle of the fourth day of the month-long DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge 2007, and thanks to his generous readers Mike Dunford has raised 100% of his initial goal, funding classroom projects that will impact 370 students.

The awesomeness of that is pretty breathtaking.

In light of Mike's impressive milestone, I thought this might be a good time to check in on the progress of the other ScienceBloggers participating in the challenge. Here are some "Top 5" lists:

Greatest % of goal funded:
The Questionable Authority (100)
Retrospectacle (45.2)
Uncertain Principles (32.6)
The Scientific Activist (29.5)
Thus Spake Zuska (28)

Size of average donation:
The Questionable Authority ($144.36)
Uncertain Principles ($130.47)
A Blog Around the Clock ($110.00)
Thus Spake Zuska ($84.00)
Mike the Mad Biologist ($80)

Number of donors per 1000 page views:
Terra Sigillata (4.81)
The Scientific Activist (4.18)
Thus Spake Zuska (3.71)
On Being a Scientist and a Woman (2.08)
Uncertain Principles (1.94)

Amount donated per 1000 page views:
Thus Spake Zuska ($311.80)
The Scientific Activist ($304.44)
Terra Sigillata ($277.64)
The Questionable Authority ($265.11)
Uncertain Principles ($253.17)

Students impacted per 1000 page views:
Thus Spake Zuska (89)
On Being a Scientist and a Woman (49)
Adventures in Ethics and Science (46)
The Questionable Authority (62)
Terra Sigillata (22)

You can find links to all of our challenges at the ScienceBlogs leaderboard. Also, since this post in which I described incentives bloggers are offering to entice readers to donate, Tara has offered books, Craig has offered some bioluminescence swag, and Chad will let you assign him blog posts.

We're off to an excellent start. Let's keep up the momentum and help those kids!

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