Important Blogospheric News

My blogfather Publius is moving! Legal Fiction is over (though it appears the valuable archives will remain available). He is joining the excellent crew at Obsidian Wings - Congratulations!

And PZ is promising to reduce the volume of his blogging as he is writing a book, which we will all eagerly await. His announcement was followed by another seven posts immediately after! Self-control did not last long, I guess....


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Yeah, I noticed that too about PZ.

He's acting like me. I frequently promise myself that I'll cut back too and then let the blog suck me in again.

This time I really mean it, though. ;-)

I do that several times a day!

The ability to schedule posts in advance appears to just exacerbate the effect!

We are sick!

If this is what PZ posting less looks like, I can live with it.

ON the other hand, if he really does cut back, I might actually have to write something on my own blog or work on my mammoth book.

John, I'll read what you write on your blog no matter how much or little PZ blogs. And I can't wait for your mammoth book!

I do that several times a day!

The ability to schedule posts in advance appears to just exacerbate the effect!

We are sick!

Speak for yourself. ;-)

However, it doesn't help that I'm in ScienceBlogs, where we have blogorrheic types like yourself, PZ, and Ed posting 5-10 times a day. Surgeons like myself tend to be competitive types, and there seems to be a definite pressure to post more just to keep up with you guys. Before moving to ScienceBlogs, it was uncommon for me to post more than once or twice a day. Now two or three times a day seems to be the norm, and I sometimes post as much as five or six times. Also, if you don't post that often, your posts drop off the front page rather quickly.

I need to go back to the way it was, even if my traffic suffers somewhat.