Conference Pictures 1 - Friday dinner

On Friday night we had dinner at Town Hall Grill - the service and the food were excellent! Yum! [For those of you not local, the John Edwards campaign headquarters are exactly above on the second floor]

Under the fold you'll see the pictures (let me know if I misidentified or non-identified someone - I will come back to these pictures-posts later and add links to everyone):

i-3478126172d77aafeaa6a2711cdb3042-Dinner.JPGThis is pretty dark but, you can probably see half of Anton Zuiker's head from behind, Xan Gregg on the left, Bonnie Springer and Eric Roach on the right.

i-4a69d3327a855049cd06c904fbda5452-Dinner2.JPGAnother mess of a see Xan Gregg on the left. Behing him you see top of heads of Cathy Davies and Larry Moran, then at the head of the table is Larry's daughter Jane, an astronomy PhD student at UNC. Then, on the right are Dave and Greta Munger and Bonnie Springer and you can see a part of Anton Zuiker's head again.

i-0b8c031bde5ce818c3f6ebe14fa6fbd4-Dinner3.JPGFrom the opposite side of the table, Dave and Greta Munger in the front of the picture. You can see Anton all the way in the back, and then Xan Gregg, Cathy Davies and Larry Moran.


i-773b721b1cb5cf1073e3585a0a874447-Amy Hughes.JPGAmy Hughes, the first person in history to publish a complete study on a blog.

i-29b6032f5c316bd407c4adbc56d5df9c-Brian.JPGBrian Russell, one of the four hard-working organizers of the conference.

i-73ed55fd7aa689936eaddf6e28624d3a-Cathy, Larry, Jane.JPGCathy Davies, Larry and Jane Moran

i-53c1680d6c38a5c4baa498d52b8fe908-Dave, Greta.JPGDave and Greta Munger

i-8c0fbb0b6689d549f36cffcee84c8466-Amy Hughes2.JPGAmy Hughes again.

i-acbe2956efa8755cb72d4f8e3e2f4275-Paul and Tucker.JPGPaul Jones and his son Tucker

i-d10682fa0b7727aa3a2c7d0dd6990728-Janet1.JPGJanet D. Stemwedel

i-4bace249c0dbdb30656403046d6dadeb-Janet2.JPGJanet again

i-9e9b082a40bb282707c57f989aa210b0-Prof Steve Steve.JPGProfessor Steve Steve

i-5eb9c2bfb42b3a2f70c07a1a10fc670e-Reed.JPGReed Cartwright and Professor Steve Steve

i-adc9e617f3045e78e18fe78a91aeeaac-Reed, Bharat.JPGReed and Bharat Chandramouli

i-df43270881fa795f249e6b6590fa9194-Reed, Bharat, Bill.JPGReed, Bharat Chandramouli and Bill Hooker

The Saturday pictures are here.

You can see more pictures uploaded by other people at:
Technorati pictures: sciencebloggingconference tag
Flickr photos: sciencebloggingconference tag

More blogospheric (and media) responses to the Conference can be found here and here.

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