Radio, blogs and The Book

Well, as I said before, the end of the Conference/Anthology whirlwind is also a return to my Dissertation writing (and a lowering of my output here).


But I had to procrastinate just a little bit more - I just gave a very pleasant 30-minute interview for the Asheville (NC) community radio station about blogging, science-blogging and everything else (including the Conference and a pitch for the anthology), as a part of their Tips For Political Bloggers series. The interviewer is Paul of the Brainshrub blog. It will appear on his site next Monday morning and will air on Monday evening - I will post the links at that time.

Also this morning, I received my copy of the anthology and it looks beautiful in real life! I want to read it (after reading and proofreading each of the 50 posts at least four times)! I hope you buy it.

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The book looks fantastic. Happy dissertation-writing, if such a thing is possible.

(Love the cartoon - I take it that the woman in the bikini is celebrating because she's finished writing her research paper!)

I've just received mine too, and it looks fantastic!

I'm surprised how quickly it arrived - I'm in London, the books were sent from N. Carolina, and it was only yesterday that I got the email from confirming that my order had been dispatched!

Congrats once again Bora!