My SciBling John Wilkins is regularly updating the list of 'Basic Terms and Concepts' posts (which you should check dilligently every day!), at least until a more permanent repository is made.
Today, he included my Lecture #13 on Current Biological Diversity on the list, though my reposting of it was a part of my regular Thursday noon series of educational posts, not intended specifically to be picked up for the 'Basics' series (though I believe it belongs there).
On one hand, I feel silly to repost stuff that I just reposted a month or two ago (moving it from the old blogs to the new one). On the other hand, I have written in the past a number of posts I considered "basic" and perhaps they should be brought out to light again (and also relieve me from having to write too much new stuff and spend more time on the Dissertation).
So, should I, for the sake of the "Basics" series, quickly (i.e., over the next week or two) repost everything I think is a "basics" post? If so, which ones truly are " basic"? Or just forget the whole thing?
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I think you could re-work some of the more focused BIO101 posts to fit the idea of "basics", and the "clock metaphor" post definitely belongs there. Most of the stuff you linked, though, is probably a bit more complex than "basics".
Or just post links, perhaps with updates?
Or does this mean you've been given a chair? I thought it was only professors who republished their work every 6 months or so, with slightly different wording.