All the cool folks are doing it....

I am:
Robert A. Heinlein

Beginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers.

Which science fiction writer are you?


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I took the quiz to find out which science fiction writer I am, and this is the result: I am: John Brunner His best known works are dystopias -- vivid realizations of the futures we want to avoid. Which science fiction writer are you? Is this a good thing? Is this something that seems…
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I don't often play these meme games but since none of the other female SciBlings have jumped on the bandwagon, and I've read at least as much science fiction as some of the other Scibs in the game (PZ, Mark, Afrensis, Orac, Joseph, Bora, and John), I just had to join in. First, for the record, I…

Ouch! You mean you're an egotistical and misogynistic Randian? I would have put you closer to Stapleton or Lem.

Myself, I got Gregory Benford. I can live with that.

I should have been in a better mood when I took the test. I was hoping for Stapledon or Benford, or perhaps Brin or Bear, though I would have certainly loved to have gotten LeGuin or Butler...

I got Asimov. Always liked Asimov, not so much his stories, which were sometimes really good, but him. If more people were like him, I think the world would be a better place.

Now Leguin would be ideal as far as writing and ideas go, and seems to be a nice person. Liked some of Heinlein, and did see his house after he died and the realtor had an open house so locals could come have a look and not make phoney appointments just to check it out. Small but nice design (he had trouble getting around and it was built for that).