Wingnuts really are imploding!

If they think that something like this will endear them to anyone not certifiably insane (via PZ), or to think that WorldNutDaily is not satire... It's like when you catch your kid in a lie and he starts spinnikng and digging himself depeer and deeper. Exept that thse guys, like wounded beasts, can be dangerous.

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Of course. And one can plainly see from the clip that Malkin is a lunatic and that Amanda is a brilliant writer. As I said on PZ's blog: "This is brilliant! Everyone can now see how crazy Malkin is and what a great writer Amanda is. Bravo for the self-annihilating stupidity of wingnutery!"

You have much, much lower standards for competent writing, let alone "brilliant", than I. Expletives, slang, and burning anger do not great writing make, even for the Beat Generation!

Using the letter 'e' does not great writing make, either. But if you think that great writing cannot contain "expletives, slang, and burning anger", then I'd have to insist that your idea of great writing is excessively myopic.

By Mithrandir (not verified) on 07 Feb 2007 #permalink