Amanda's story

Amanda Marcotte explains it all.


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Amanda Marcotte, that is. And there are two way to look at her from the 'other side' or 'not-as-well-known-side' or 'what-really-happened-side': the first is BlogPac Hero: The Amanda Marcotte Story You Haven't Heard by John Javna and the second is Brimstone and cat spit by Amanda Marcotte.
It looks to me as though one of my favorite lefty bloggers, Majikthise (real name: Lindsay Beyerstein), dodged a bullet. In a article, she describes how she originally was approached to blog for the John Edwards campaign. As you may recall, Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon ultimately was…
Gristmill has been doing an excellent job of tracking the progress of energy legislation in Congress this week; highlights include: Nancy Pelosiâs ass-kicking, which allowed the House bill to return to something close to its former strength; A marathon session in the Senateâs Environment and…
There is a good review of Amanda Marcotte's book on Powell's site: Fortunately, she manages to integrate enough fresh material to keep the book relevant to feminists of all ages. As she observes in her introduction, "Spotting sexism sounds easy, but the sheer commonness of it, coupled with its…