Amanda behind the scene

Amanda Marcotte, that is. And there are two way to look at her from the 'other side' or 'not-as-well-known-side' or 'what-really-happened-side': the first is BlogPac Hero: The Amanda Marcotte Story You Haven't Heard by John Javna and the second is Brimstone and cat spit by Amanda Marcotte.

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It looks to me as though one of my favorite lefty bloggers, Majikthise (real name: Lindsay Beyerstein), dodged a bullet. In a article, she describes how she originally was approached to blog for the John Edwards campaign. As you may recall, Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon ultimately was…
I love it when other people say exactly what I’m thinking, but in better words. Take Gloria Steinem on Sarah Palin for instance: Women have become so politically powerful that even the anti-feminist right wing--the folks with a headlock on the Republican Party--are trying to appease the gender gap…
After writing her side of the story in Salon, Amanda Marcotte is quite busy in the media these days, making various apperances on radio, including NPR's DayTo Day next week. She will also be joining TPM Cafe and has a post up on Huffington Post: Think Tanks, 503s and Rush Limbaugh--What's The Real…
Under attack, Pandagon has been down all day. But you can see here (and re-posted here) what scum of the Earth resides on the political Right in this country. This is a good time to read this again. And please find time to read all ten parts of this series on eliminationism in America. Sensing…

Although Mr. Donahue is a fascist c***sucker, Ms. Marcotte also made inflammatory statements about the accused in the Duke rape case. As it turned out, Ms. Marcotte was 100% wrong in her diatribes and 100% irresponsible, especially considering that many of her comments were made after it became obvious that the case was a crock of s**t. Mr. Edwards should have been aware of her comments before hiring her and should not have done so. He is an attorney in North Carolina and an officer of the court and should have known that her remarks were irresponsible.