
One life - a little gleam of Time between two Eternities.

- Thomas Carlyle

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This quote is vague about afterlife or the existence of a "soul" in any form outside of the years when we are alive.

It is also analagous to the frequently quoted saying of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav: "All the world is a narrow bridge. But the essential principle is to fear nothing at all.".

Both tell us life is the precious blip in an otherwise blank infinity of time, it is to be lived fully. As long as you are not specific about what distiguishes the moments of life from the vastly greater moments without it, you can find the idea in most relgions. One Christian Science author called it "A parenthesis in eternity", the Persians put it in a folk expression "the world is two days: today and yesterday". and so on.

The "wise saw" is definitely a two edged sword: a worthy aphorism can be adapted by each who hears it to fit and benefit their particular conception of life.

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I am always surprised when someone posts a comment on one of the ClockQuotes posts! But those are usually good and useful!