Yes, ...

...Amanda Marcotte still supports John Edwards. Puts to lie the media framing of "bloggers vs. Edwards". It was all along "bloggers AND Edwards AND many more ordinary people vs. the Establishment (of both parties) AND the Right Wing smear machine.


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After writing her side of the story in Salon, Amanda Marcotte is quite busy in the media these days, making various apperances on radio, including NPR's DayTo Day next week. She will also be joining TPM Cafe and has a post up on Huffington Post: Think Tanks, 503s and Rush Limbaugh--What's The Real…
If this is true—that the Edwards campaign has caved to pressure from the right wing—he has lost my vote. The right-wing blogosphere has gotten its scalps -- John Edwards has fired the two controversial bloggers he recently hired to do liberal blogger outreach, Salon has learned. The bloggers,…
It looks to me as though one of my favorite lefty bloggers, Majikthise (real name: Lindsay Beyerstein), dodged a bullet. In a article, she describes how she originally was approached to blog for the John Edwards campaign. As you may recall, Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon ultimately was…
The far right smear machine against John Edwards has moved into territory close to home: attacking Edwards by attacking his newly hired bloggers, Amanda Marcotte (of Pandagon fame) and Melissa McEwan (from the equally eminent Shakespeare's Sister). The big media (cable news of all stripes, AP and…

I don't know. I lost a lot of respect for Edwards because of how he handled this. Not because I think he forced them to leave, but because he asked them to appologize for their entirely reasonable posts, done before they worked for him.

Must admit that the only potential Democratic candidate that i can get any excited over, is Al Gore, who hasn't ruled out running yet.
Doesn't mean that I wouldn't prefer just about anybody the Democrats can put forth over the Republician field, but that is setting the bar pretty damn low.

The echos will not die out for a while. there are a few perspectives from which to view this affair and the dramatic way it revealed the nature of right wing attack machines, MSM angst about bloggers and the gross asymmetries of attacking religious oppression vs attacking a person. Even though I am dubious about the hiring wisdom of Edwards' campaign in Amanda's case, I think both parties have picked themselves up and dusted themselves off and gotten well back to the businesses they seem made for. Edwards netroots outreach picked up other great netroots talent and picked up where left off.