Video of the Day

Via Pam and Melissa, from Nation, the CPAC: The Unauthorized Documentary - must-see video showing what conservatism is:

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His coverage of the creation museum is a must-see.

So conservatism is two liberals with a camera trying desperately to prove stereotypes about conservatives but coming out of it looking like buffoons?

Also it would be nice if this post had anything to do with science, if you want to say that conservatives are against science how about you look at what liberals have done to stifle scientific discourse on global warming. The misguided people who are for teaching creationism and such have only made it an issue in a few states, while global warming skeptics are compared to holocaust deniers. It's a shame to see such a good science blog reduced to the standard conservative hating liberal talking points. When does the documentary come out exposing self-righteous liberal scientists?

Why are the unhinged coming to troll my blog? Go check the links for some substance and, dunno, if you think Malkin has an ounce of sanity in her body, your idea of what is same is really strange - perhaps you should check your head instead?

Your reply is as devoid of substance as the video you posted. I mistook you for a scientist when obviously you are a hack who has no grasp of the concept of honest intellectual debate. And for your information, I was not "trolling" your blog, I subscribe to your blog, like I said I mistook it for a science blog, I had no idea you were such a well indoctrinated amateur pundit. I truly feel sorry for any university that unwittingly hires you and gets a political tool instead of a biologist. And my head is fine, I already clicked the links, and I hope you enjoyed getting intellectually trounced, not by a conservative, but by a biology undergraduate. You sir could use some manners and your hatred is exactly what was described in the video. If you want to actually learn something about politics I suggest some introductory political science classes to start with, then maybe you can actually engage some conservatives in debates over the issues, instead of just name calling and echoing rhetoric.

This is your second comment here. You have one more chance to straighten up, before getting banned. I will NOT take political "science" lessons from crazy conservatives.

Sorry, got me on a cranky day....

And as for "devoid of substance", when I hear a conservative whining, I do not feel the urge to rehash everything that needs to be said for the millionth time. Go to my Archives and click on the "Ideology" category, read the posts in the chronological order, from oldest to newest - all of them - and get some education. Perhaps then we can discuss politics. In the meantime, you may even grow up (and out of conservatism).

The girl who advocated concentration camps uses a common conservative technique - shock with a hardcore opinion ($$$), then drool in confusion when challenged.

-Can we see your confederate flag lapel?
-Why's that?"
-Well, why are you covering it up?
-Because you have a video camera in my face.

Classic. It's like mom busting a coed sleepover, except whinier.